Crystals in Urine: Acidic Urine

Formation and appearance of crystals in urine depends
upon pH of the urine, i.e. acidic or alkaline.

Crystals in Acidic Urine
 These are as under :
i. Calcium oxalate
ii. Uric acid
iii. Amorphous urate
iv. Tyrosine
v. Cystine
vi. Cholesterol crystals
vii. Sulphonamide

i) Calcium Oxalate
These are colourless refractile and have octahedral
envelope-like structure. They can also be dumb-bell

ii) Uric Acid
They are yellow or brown rhomboid-shaped seen singly
or in rosettes. They can also be in the form of prism,
plates and sheaves

iii) Amorphous Urate
They appear as yellowish brown granules in the form of
clumps. They dissolve on heating. When
they are made of sodium urate, they are needle-like in
the form of thorn-apple. They are passed more often in
patients having gout.

iv) Tyrosine
They are yellowish in the form of silky needles or sheaves
.They are passed in urine in jaundice.

v) Cystine
They are colourless, hexagonal plates which are highly
refractile .They are passed in urine in an
inborn error of metabolism, cystinuria.

vi) Cholesterol Crystals
These are rare and are seen in urinary tract infection,
rupture of lymphatic into renal pelvis or due to blockage
of lymphatics

vii) Sulphonamide
They appear as yellowish sheaves, rosettes, or rounded
with radial striations .They appear in urine
after administration of sulphonamide drugs.
